[CS 15900] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (31 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Hardware includes physical components such as cpu, primary storage, and various input/output devices. Auxiliary storage (secondary storage) used as input + output. System software are responsible for (1) managing system resources (2) performing information processing tasks. 3 types of system software: (1) operating system. Provides services e. g. ui, file/database access, ip interface. Primarily to keep system operational and efficient (2) system support. Provides system utilities and other operating services e. g. sorting and disk formatting programs (3) system development. Provide language translations turning programs into machine code, debugging tools, and computer-assisted software engineering systems (case) 2 types of application software: (1) general-purpose software: purchased from a software developer and can be used by multiple programs (2) application-specific software, applications that can only be used for its intended purpose. View image2 to understand relationship between system and application software. Uses a microprocessor as opposed to a central processing unit.