HK 46500 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pseudoscience, Illusory Correlation, Falsifiability

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Document Summary

What follows is a partial listing of the material for chapters 1-4 from your text and from the content accessed from the course website to be covered in your first examination. Note: there will be nothing on the exam that has not in some fashion been included in this guide but not everything covered in the guide will be on the exam. The exam will consist of 40-45 multiple choice/true false questions and 2-4 short answer/essay questions. As noted in the syllabus, you can only access the exam once; and once you start the exam, you must finish in the time allotted. You will have a total of 75 minutes to complete the exam. Scientific research approach: scientific research is a systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation of phenomena guided by theory and hypotheses about the presumed relations among such phenomena, why it"s important: Helps decide what is and what is not valid.