SLHS 22700 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Great Vowel Shift, Proto-Language, Proto-Germanic Language

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Chapter 8 language change: the syllables of time. What aspects of languages change (phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon)? yes, all of the above. Do sound changes that happen over historic time affect only certain words or entire classes of sounds? both. 1400-1600 seven long/tense vowels of middle english underwent huge changes, all vowels moved higher, high vowels were changed to diphthongs. Does modern english have a more or less complex morphological system than old english? less complex now. What are cognates? words in related languages that developed from the same ancestral root such as english and and german mann. What is the protolanguage from which english is thought to have evolved? protolanguage: ancestral language from which related language have developed indo-european -> proto-germanic. What major family of languages does english belong to? germanic. What are banned languages? languages that are forbidden from being spoken in a given country or region.