PS 232 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Erogenous Zone, Penis Envy, Anal Retentiveness

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Concepts of personality (quiz #2) chapter 3: defense mechanisms, unconscious actions taken by ego to immediately reduce anxiety and maintain psychic balance (can be used unconsciously, distort perception of reality (ex. Sublimation (turn bad into good: converting socially unacceptable impulses into more socially acceptable actions (only completely successful one) Psychodynamic personality development: purpose of personality development: learning to cope w/ psychic conflicts and life crises, we resolve series of conflicts during childhood (strengthening ego) Object relations theory (more recent development: motivating force is the desire for interpersonal relationships, object: significant other, ex. Psychoanalysis: therapeutic technique based on freud"s theory, problem: unresolved unconscious conflicts, solution: achieve insight to resolve conflicts. Methods of psychoanalysis: (cid:498)psychoanalytic situation(cid:499, free association, dream analysis, manifest content, latent content. Carl gustav jung: swiss psychiatrist and psychologist, analytical psych: probed deeper into unconscious and expanded role it played in balancing aspects of personality, assoc. of freud but had falling out, affairs w/ patients.