PSYC 121 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Subjective Constancy, Depth Perception, Psychedelic Drug

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Exam 2 study guide (chapters 5, 6, 11, part of 3) Infancy and childhood: be familiar with brain development and how it plays a role in motor development. Nervous system development critical to develop, 3-6 most rapid growth in frontal lobes, motor abilities form in progression: schemas. Mental frameworks for organizing new information: know different components of assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation: interpret in terms of our current situation. Accomidate: adjust new schemas to process new information: piaget"s model of cognitive development, different stages (and ages) and the main concept associated with each (object permanence, conservation, egocentrism, etc. ) Sensorimotor- birth -2, child explores environment, object permanence: object remains even when hidden. Preoperational- 2-6/7, can communicate, egocentricism: difficulty taking on point of view of others. Concrete operational- 7-11, adapt to perspectives, conservation: object remains same even if in different shapes. Secure: try to find caregiver when they leave, happy when they come back, sensitive mothers.