DECS 310- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 56 pages long!)

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6 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Operations management: definition/scope, generic issues, productivity, competitiveness, quality management/control, types of operations, project. Key issues: demand forecasting, capacity planning (e. g. aggregate planning, master scheduling, mrp/erp, purchasing, supply chain, service. Key issue: capacity management, high volume/repetitive. Key issues: smooth flow, managing the rate, balancing the load, retail. Shampoo: services- are activities that provide some combination of time, location, form or psychological value. Manufacturing vs. service: degree of customer contact, uniformity of input, labor content of jobs, uniformity of output, measurement of productivity, product and delivery, quality assurance, amount of inventory, evaluation of work, ability to patent design. Function overlap: finance and operations, budgeting, economic analysis of investment proposals, provision of funds, marketing and operations, demand data, product and service design, competitor analysis, lead time data. Quality assurance: operations managers spend more time on system operation decisions that any other decision area. They still have a vital stake in system design.