PSY 10315 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Orexin, Ultradian Rhythm, Caffeine

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From garrett"s brain & behavior: an introduction to biological psychology. Describe the deficits that h. m. had in his memory. What could he do in regards to memory and what couldn"t he do: relate h. m. "s deficits to his brain damage. Describe the difference between anterograde and retrograde amnesia. Explain the difference between short-term and long-term memory. Explain the role that the hippocampus and glutamate play in consolidation: use scientific evidence to support. Distinguish between declarative and nondeclarative memory: explain the differences between episodic, semantic, autobiographical, and spatial memories. Define working memory : identify brain areas implicated in working memory. Distinguish between the different kinds of learning (motor, perceptual, relational, and stimulus- response) see ppt & class notes. Define the hebb rule & synaptic plasticity. This includes all of the synaptic changes that happen during the process. Identify & explain a few of the theories related to why we sleep. Explain how the suprachiasmatic nucleus (scn) relates to your circadian rhthyms.