11:067:450 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Vasoconstriction, Bulimia Nervosa, Melatonin

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29 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Endocrinology of sex development and basic reproductive hormones. Punchline: sry has information on how to make testes. Gonadal sexual differentation once upon a time there was a bipotential gonad that could go either way. A messenger comes along and says to develop the medulla --> testes. Sf-1 is a transcription factor that codes for the side chain cleavage enzyme. Once upon a time, there were two sets of tubes. If you have a y chromosome, the wolffian system will persist. Hypothalamic sexual differentation aromatase is expressed in specific areas sexual dimorphic areas. [] sensor is killed in males so dont respond to increase in estradiol. Rest of circuitry is present in males and females. E2 has neg feedback and positive feedback different receptors. even if gnrh has receptor for estradiol, they are very low. Other neurons have receptors so make complex bunch of neurotransmitters moduling gnrh (one is gaba, glutamate, epi)