[01:146:356] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 21 pages long Study Guide!

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Venous admixture: taken from right side of heart including right atrium and ventricle and pulmonary artery; gives the correct readying of the whole system of bodily organs. Local venous blood: sample taken from elsewhere in the body. Blood composition: (fig18. 1) determined by creating the separation in. 18. 1, the blood is centrifuged (spun in circles, and the layers are created including. Cell free plasma, wbc platelets, and packed rbcs. Hematocrit: the fraction of the total column the rbcs occupy (height of. Plasma: can clot, contains the fibrinogen protein. On the graphs of fig. 18. 2, look for the little bump on the far right (cid:271)la(cid:272)k (cid:374)ode that"ll (cid:271)e draw(cid:374) (cid:271)y a little (cid:271)u(cid:373)py graph, it will (cid:374)ot (cid:271)e o(cid:374) the serum graph. Serum: does not clot, contains no fibrinogen. Some parameters in blood composition: (taken for menstruating females in this case) Red cell count: 4 for female, 4. 5 for male. Hematocrit: 40 for female (40 and under), 45 for male (40+)