04:192:357 Midterm: Org. Comm Exam 3 Study Guide

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Critical approaches: unitary - common goals, conflict rare and negative, power is prerogative for agreement, pluralist many groups with different goals, conflict is positive, radical conflict and power reflect struggles in society (survival of the fittest) What is different about the critical frame of reference: adopt a radical frame of reference by considering organizations as sites of domination. See theory as a force that can emancipate individuals from these dominating organizational forces or consider how employees resist organizational dominance. Theorists take an activist role in instigating and encouraging organizational transformation. Explore the ways in which economic, social, and communicative relationships produce and maintain organizational power relationships. Modes and means of production: modes - economic conditions that underlie the production process. Conflict will eventually lead to revolt: means the actual work process, how products are made and services rendered. Classical approaches are dehumanizing and alienate from work and work products. Owners and managers have control, leads to oppression.