01:198:110 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Guide: Digital Identity, Contextual Advertising, Huffman Coding

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01:198:110 Full Course Notes
01:198:110 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Application software-an application is any program, or group of programs, that is designed for the end user. Application software can be divided into two general classes: systems software and applications software. Applications software (also called end- user programs) include such things as database programs, word processors, web browsers and spreadsheets. Abstraction- a technique for managing complexity ofcomputer systems. It works by establishing a level of complexity on which a person interacts with the system, suppressing the more complex details below the current level. Binary representation of data-computers store all data as patterns of 0"s and 1"s. Information systems using 0"s and 1"s are collectively known as binary information systems. Hexadecimal-hexadecimal is 16 based and uses the digits 0 to 9 and the letters a to f to represent the values 0 to 15. Hardware-any physical component of a computer system that contains a circuit board, ics, or other electronics.