01:202:201 Study Guide - Final Guide: Craps, Eaves, Forensic Entomology

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Identity theft: electronic communications privacy act: stated the interception of e-mail or telephone calls was illegal, computer fraud and abuse act, made it a crime to use a computer to commit a crime or cause damage. Serial killers: mass murderers: those who slaughter their victims in one event tend to target people they know, often for the sake of revenge, using an efficient weapon of mass destruction, usually a high powered firearm, serial killer: It takes more than porn to create such extreme and vicious personality. International terrorism committed against american interests abroad: domestic terrorism committed by americans, domestic terrorism committed by foreigners. Weapons of mass destruction: working definition of weapons of mass destruction. Infrastructure: means of disabling a nation"s communications, computer and infrastructure components, including those that supply power, water, and food. 15 how many actually got charged for terrorist related activity: none.