[01:377:305] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (96 pages long)

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Drugs work because they are similar to chemical produced naturally in the body. According to the receptor site theory, drugs bind to specific receptors within the body: psychoactive drugs can alter mood or behavior by acting on neurotransmitters in the brain. Pleasure, or reward, is a powerful biological force for survival. Life-sustaining activities stimulate specialized nerve cells devoted to producing and regulating pleasure. A neurotransmitter is one of many chemical substances that transmit nerve impulses along nerve fibers. All addicting drugs can activate the brain"s pleasure circuit. Drug addiction is a biological, pathological process that alters the way in which the pleasure center functions: psychoactive drugs change the way the brain works by affecting chemical neurotransmission, either enhancing or suppressing it. More than 10,000 prescription drugs are sold in the united states. More than 100,000 otc drugs are available. Recreational drugs are a vague category of drugs that contain chemicals to help people relax or socialize.