25:705:320 Study Guide - Final Guide: Theophylline, Pulmonary Edema, Life Review

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The process of acquiring, storing, sharing, and using information. Reflective regression & life review forms of cognitive development characteristic of late life. Cognitive functions that remain stable in aging: attention span, language skills, communication skills, comprehension disclosure, visual perception. Cognitive functions that decline: verbal fluency, logical analysis, selective attention, object naming, complex visuospatial skills. Fluid intelligence (biologically determined independent of experience or learning) poor: spatial orientation, abstract reasoning, word fluency. Cyrstallized intelligence (acquired throughout education & life) stable: verbal meaning, word association, social judgment, number skills. Neuron loss occurs= slowing of neural process but overall cognition remains intact. Older adults tend to deny psychological symptoms, attributes them to physical illness. Medical disorders that cause anxiety: cardiac arrhythmias, delirium, dementia most common cause of anxiety, copd, chf, hyperthyroid, hypoglycemia, postural hypo, pulmonary edema, pe. S/e of many drugs: anticholinergics, digitalis, theophylline, anti-htn, b-blockers, b-adrenergic stimulators, corticosteroids. Induced by alcoholism or meds, hearing impairment may accentuate feelings.