11:709:201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Points

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Study Guide Exam 1
Intro Foods & Nutrition
Fall 2017
Exam 1 will cover lectures 1-10. The exam will be worth 75 points and consist of 75
multiple choice and true/false questions. Below is a general study guide; however,
anything is up for grabs that was either presented in lecture and as part of the required
reading assignments.
A. Brown, Understanding Food
1. 5 taste stimuli
2. Understand subjective and objective evaluation of foods
3. Functions of water in food
-true suspensions
-colloidal dispersions
5. Pathogens discussed in class (use the guide given in class as a study tool)
B. Lecture
1. Hunger, appetite, satiety
2. Nutrients and their chemical compositionCHO, protein, lipds/fats, vitamins,
minerals, & water
3. Use of the senses to evaluate food
4. Methods to control food borne illness
6. Functions of food additives (freshness & safety, food processing, nutrition)
and the different types
7. Definition, ingredients, formulation of:
8. Sources of gelatin, preparation of gelatin
9. Methods of heat transfer
10. Type and functions of leavening agents
11. Government agencies (FDA, CDC, USDA, etc.) responsibilities and their
12. Food label contents
-health claims, nutrient content claim, structure/function claims
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