01:830:101 Final: final notes - what's on it

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01:830:101 Full Course Notes
01:830:101 Full Course Notes
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Know: microexpressions, sympathetic vs. parasympathetic nervous systems, various theories of emotion. Sympathetic vs parasympathetic nervous systems sympathetic is a flight or fight response. Parasympathetic is a resting state where you are not in a fight or flight situation. Various theories of emotion- james tells us its strictly an interpretation of our physiological response. Know the widely accepted 6 basic emotions, duchenne smile, emotional. Know the difference between fear and anxiety, and the brain region associated with fear. Duchenne smile- the involuntary movement of smile muscles real smile. Phineas gage- who had a personality change because he got a railroad pipe through his head. Fear vs anxiety- fear is acute and a temporary stage and more intense. Anxiety is more chronic and a sense of dread. Way to determine if someone has a genetic predisposition to a small hippocampus is by checking their twin. Ptsd- people with low levels of cortisol are associated/correlate with ptsd.