01:830:200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Null Hypothesis, Sampling Distribution

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30 Oct 2014

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5 course grade credits if they"re all right. 1/2 hr sas evaluation exam 2 by convention, we often reject the null hypothesis if the probably of our result, given that the null hypothesis is true. Less than . 05 an assumption behind the use of a one-sample t test is that. The population variance is normally distributed is wrong. Population variance is constant, not distributed as anything. The sample isn"t normally distributed, lumpy, bc few values (population would be normal bc has more values) sampling distributions help us test hypotheses about means by. What is a sampling distribution? distribution of a statistic (statistic is usually mean) so the sample mean. Telling us what kinds of means to expect if the null hypothesis is false. Telling us what kinds of means to expect if the null hypothesis is true. How variable how some statistic computed on the sample is, not the population.