01:830:310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Insomnia, Delta Wave, Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

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Cognitive poor mood, poor vigilance, poor executive function (planning, decision making, judgment, etc. ) 3 main views are memory processing, recuperation, or adaption not exclusive, could be all of them: explain why it is important to have sleep durations that are multiples of 90 minutes (with the exception of short naps). Sleep cycles (going through stage 1-3/4 happen, and then go to rem. Go to bed at the same time every night. No (blue) light in your room 1-2 hours before you sleep. Magnesium citrate take in the evening to help sleep. In sleep apnea in general, people stop breathing & they don"t have rhythmic breathing while they sleep. During obstructive sleep apnea, your tongue blocks your airway leads to hypoxia (too little oxygen in blood) Problem compliance is very low for this machine. Hypnagogic hallucination when you"re about to fall asleep and it feels like you"re falling. Sleep paralysis: explain the difference between cataplexy and sleep paralysis.