01:830:338 Study Guide - Final Guide: Wise Old Man, Mother Goddess, Collective Unconscious

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Introversion and extraversion in jung"s theory and in his life . Self-state dreams and their purpose or function . Nietzsche"s dream of the small child being enveloped and buried . The archetypes of the collective unconscious: anima, animus, shadow, wise old. Jung"s idea of individuation and wholeness, and the relation of this idea to his early experience of splitting into no. 2 personalities jung"s childhood and identity issues, including early separation from his mother . Jung"s view of freud and the whole rupture between freud and jung jung"s thoughts on life after death and jung"s approach to psychotherapy . The difference between freud and jung on the question of the paranormal (the existence of telepathy, precognition, psychokinesis, etc. ) Reich"s childhood tragedy: the terrible circumstances of his mother"s suicide - Impact of reich"s mother"s suicide on his thinking . Rank"s idea of the trauma of birth and his idea of the creative artist .