01:830:377 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Random Assignment, Biofeedback, Sunscreen

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Stress, biopsychosocial factors, and illness: what is the relation between control and health (moot et al. , 1970; visintainer et al. , 1982), moot et al : used classical conditioning with rats, a lever, and an electric shock. Rats w/ the lever learned that if they pressed the lever the shock would stop- at the same time, the shock given to the other group of rats(w/o the lever) also stopped b/c of this a. i. What were langer and rodin"s (1976) and rodin and langer"s (1977) studies? a. Langer and rodin"s study focused on control and health in nursing home. Floor 1 was given control over when they wanted to attend movie night, how they wanted to arrange their room, and were given a plant to take care of. Floor 2 (comparison group) was given all the same conditions, however, were not given control over any of them.