01:830:377 Study Guide - Final Guide: Weight Loss, Dan Ariely, Pleasure

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Document Summary

Outline of major topics and guide for review for final exam. It tells you about the material that will and will not be on the exam. It should help you to focus your preparation for the final exam. Sakai: contains this study guide, sample final exam questions with answers, and an outline of the main points from the readings. Final exam: this is not a cumulative final exam. It is simply a second exam with multiple-choice questions based on material covered since the mid-term. It will have about the same number and type of questions as the mid-term. Photo id: a photo id must be presented at the door prior to seating for the final exam. Pencils: bring several #2 pencils with sharp points and good erasers. Major topics and sub-topics are guaranteed to be subject to one or more questions on the bold font. Note that topics and subtopics in final exam.