01:830:394- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 22 pages long!)

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Quick write: thoughts on south carolina video, its unfair since other parts of s. carolina has all the resources the schools we saw are lacking. Jim kelly- adaptationyou try to make the best out of it. Microsystems come together and try to work out the situation they are in. 30 abbot districts- bad places to be in, disadvantaged, under resourced. Behavior is the function of person, environment. Believed in force field theory- social forces that influence people, boundaries, groups having permeable and semi-permeable boundary. Ability of getting into the group is the function of you and the environment. Behavior is the function of need and press, need is you and press is the environment. Julius rotter - profs mentor b=f (e, rv) sit. Had undergrads take tat after and before lunch. Behavior is function of expectancy and reinforcement value in a situation. Positive expectancy and internal locus of control= self efficacy. Negative expectancy and internal locus of control= depression.