01:920:101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Auguste Comte, Social Fact, Social Change

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The invention of the word sociology : invented by auguste comte in order to describe the discipline he wished to establish; he believed that the scientific method could be applied to the study of human behavior and society. Social facts - the aspects of social life that shape our actions as individuals; durkheim believed that social facts could be studied scientifically. Organic solidarity - the social cohesion that results from the various parts of a society functioning as an integrated whole. Anomie - a situation in which social norms lose their hold over individual behavior (emile. Durkheim); a feeling of aimlessness or despair due to the constant change typical of modern life. Social change - significant alteration over time in behavior patterns and cultural values and norms (changes yielding profound social consequences); alteration in basic structures of a social group or society.