33:799:301 Study Guide - Common Market For Eastern And Southern Africa, North American Free Trade Agreement, High Tech

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True/false: facility location is a business decision that will ultimately impact issues like the cost of supplies, facilities, and materials, as well as lead times and customer service levels. Pts: 1: a country that imposes high tariffs discourages foreign-based companies from importing goods and they also may encourage multinational corporations to set up local factories to produce items locally in order to avoid those high tariffs. Pts: 1: a country that imposes high tariffs encourages foreign-based companies to import goods. Pts: 1: many multinational corporations are moving their factories and headquarters out of china and into. Taiwan and some southeast asian countries in order to take advantage of the proximity to customers. The more attractive customer markets are developing in the southeast asian region, not in china. Pts: 1: many multinational corporations are moving their facilities and headquarters out of taiwan and some. Southeast asian countries in order to take advantage of the proximity to customers.