NUR230 Study Guide - Final Guide: Osteoclast, Femoral Head, Dura Mater

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18 Dec 2018

Document Summary

Internal carotid (most important)-middle cerebral artery circulation: mid artery supplies brain tissue, vertebral-basilar arterial circulation, where most strokes are involved: middle cerebral artery, circle of willis: aneurysm formation hemorrhagic stroke, cranial nerves, olfactory (smell) Trochlear (extraocular movements: v. trigeminal (facial sensation, vi. Glossopharyngeal (elevation of pharynx when swallowing: x. vagus (gag reflex/parasympathetic control of body, xi. Mild injuries where there is no tearing of the ligament and no lost joint function: 2. Partial tear in ligament, obvious swelling, difficulty bearing weight, reduced function of the joint: 3. Inert: supportive role in muscle function (ligaments, nerve roots : fractures heal in 5 stages, 1. Granulation tissue formation, oxygen and nutrients: 3. Callus formation (fracture healing), osteoblasts and chondroblasts: 4. Infection: staph aureus most common pathogen involved: virchow"s triad (risk factors for dvt) Immunosuppression, systemic infection following sirs reaction: called compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome (cars, cars: patient highly susceptible to nosocomial infection.