ENS 303 Study Guide - Final Guide: Lumbar Vertebrae, Sagittal Plane, Coronal Plane

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Cervical spine has a normal lordotic curve. Lordosis = pregnant lady" posture, leaning back. Habitually carrying backpack on one shoulder = raised shoulder pose. Position of your body parts in relation to each other. Each joint has a direct effect on both its neighboring joint and joints further away. Series of dynamic motions to modulate body position and maintain equilibrium. Perfect posture is unique and facilitates movement based on tasks. Good posture is very subjective and based upon optimal movement. To be classified as abnormal, nonneutral alignment must produce physical functional limitations. Muscle balance & misaligned articulations = inefficient + painful posture and gait. Natural curvature of the vertebral column results in a healthy posture. Deviations from this typically results in biomechanical issues. Movement of the pelvis will impact the curvature of the lumbar spine. Neutral position of the pelvis leads to balanced curvature of the lumbar spine. Asis and psis are level to one another.