MIS 180 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Acceptable Use Policy, Digital Rights Management, Denial-Of-Service Attack

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Chapters 4, 5, and 6, appendix c, & access chapters 1-2: describe the six epolicies and their support structure. Ethical computer use policy: contains general principles to guide computer user behavior. Information privacy policy: contains general principles regarding information privacy. Acceptable use policy: requires a user to agree to follow it to be provided access to corporate email, information systems, and the internet. Email privacy policy: details the extent to which email messages may be read by others. Social monitoring policy: outlines the corporate guidelines or principles governing employee online communications. Workplace monitoring policy: states explicitly how, when, and where the company monitors its employees: list and describe the technological solutions available to publishers to discourage digital media theft. Digital rights management is a technological solution that allows publishers to control their digital media to discourage, limit, or prevent illegal copying and distribution: explain the various viruses that can be use to harm computers and information.