[ECON 222] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 23 pages long Study Guide!

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How rapidly real gdp per person grew in the typical year. Ranking of countries by income changes substantially over time. Chapter 7: gdp part 1: economic growth, productivity. Growth in productivity is the key determinant of growth in living standards. Human capital per worker natural resources per worker. Knowledge and skills that workers acquire through education, training, and. Inputs into the production of goods and services. Provided by nature, such as land, rivers and mineral deposits. Society"s understanding of the best ways to produce goods and services experience. Often yields ways to avoid these limits improved use of natural resources over time. Stable or falling - over long spans of time: productivity measurement, saving and investment. Raise future productivity invest more current resources in the production of capital. Devote fewer resources to produces goods and services for current: diminishing returns, catch-up effect, poor countries, rich countries consumption. Fewer resources - used to make consumption goods.