SOCY 101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Role Theory, Unintended Consequences, Manifest And Latent Functions And Dysfunctions

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29 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Sociology systematic study of human /group behavior; look at patterns, individual explanations often have social factors ex) why did you come to usc. Individual vs social structure reasons of suicide durkheim. Durkheim social facts = forces that can strain our behavior resulting in our membership in certain groups: wright mills. < intersection in order to understand an individual/society, you have to understand both; individuals live in a broader social context situated in a broader part of history and biography. How we see this / ability to see how larger society connects to individual events = sociological imagination. Laughter is a social phenomenon may express is differently in different situations. Troubles privately felt problems ex) divorce: cheating, financial stress, baby, abuse. Vs issues affects large number of people ex) divorce: secular/not religion, poor economy, declining value of children, wars, technology. Sociology is a social science, it uses empirical data to help you: