NUTC 3113 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Montelukast, Bronchospasm, Xanthine

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Adult 1 exam 2 study guide part 1. Bronchodilators: short- and long-acting beta2 agonists (ex proventil) Used for asthma, copd, and acute wheezing: cholinergic antagonists (ex atrovent, methylxanthines (ex aminophylline, theophylline, anti-inflammatory agents = corticosteroids, nsaids, leukotriene antagonist (montelukast), immunomodulators, drug therapy. ** preventative therapy (controller drugs: change airway responsiveness to prevent asthma attacks, used everyday, regardless of symptoms. **rescue drugs: actually stop attack once it has started. Look for hand rising and falling = performed correctly: space out activities rest, keep environment clean, nutrition, use meds correct way, ambulatory and home care, teaching for self management, lung sound findings. Auscultate the chest to assess the depth of inspiration and any abnormal breath sounds. Wheezes and other abnormal sounds occur on and inspiration and expirations. Reduced breath sounds are common, especially with emphysema. Emphysema = diaphragm is flattened and below its usual resting place. Chest sounds = hyper resonant on percussion, because of trapped air: pain, late assessment findings.