[ARTH 072] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (59 pages long!)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Japonisme: an important term of design in consideration in late 19th century. *interior of the japanist mode, 1890s, japanese mania. Commodore matthew perry discovered japan in 1853. 1854: first official agreement between the united states and japan. 1859: the first westerners in vokohama, japan. japonsime: coined (1872) - philippe bury 1862 exhibition in london, japanese display. *objects from the 1862 international exhibition, london japan exhibit, 1876 centennial. Sir rutherford alcock - first representative of british crown at edo. His book capital at the tycoon (1863) --> reproductions of japanese prints. Felix bracquemond discovered japanese prints while unpacking imported porcelain as early as 1856. As a designer for limoges porcelain, adapted japans motifs for dishes. 1862 - madame de soye added japanese prints to her stock at la porte chinoises", paris. J. a. m whistler - catalyst for the cult of japan in paris and london - owned examples of. *whistler, caprice in purple and gold, the golden screen.