BLS 4510 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Shigella Dysenteriae, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Shigella Flexneri

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In general: found in soil, water, decaying matter, has normal habitat in man, in the enteric (intestinal) tract, salmonella (typoid fever), shigella (bacillary dysentery), yersinia (plague, non-pathogenic when confined to the intestinal tract (normal flora) - opportunistic. If isolated from the gi tract, need to be differentiated since the gi tract has a lot of normal flora; Not distinguishable on nonselective media; they all look the same. If isolated from something other than gi tract, can use normal media: fecal samples must be plated on differential and selective media; lactose negative. Serological typing: enteric bacterial pathogens are sub-speciated using serological typing. K antigen: capsular antigen, known as vi antigen of salmonella typhi. H antigen: flagellar antigen, speciates bacteria of salmonella and arizona. O antigen: somatic antigen, o in cell wall + lipid a = lps (endotoxin) Biochemical properties: facultative anaerobes, glucose positive (utilize glucose with release of acid and products), oxidase negative, nitrate positive (reduce nitrates), do not produce spores.