CCJ 1010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Harrison Narcotics Tax Act, Joe Shmoe, Corporate Crime

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Format: 10 short answer questions; 1 is required and 6/9 of the remaining can be chosen from. People complain about people selling drugs on campus perimeter. Father blandi calls the police chief to tell him. Father biandi has political power and his request will be granted. So we put more police on the streets to fight the war against drugs , sex offenders, and the flavor of the day : creation of law studies 1914 harrison narcotics act; before this act drugs were legal. So tobacco was left legal, another example of the political power of crime: the criminal justice players are in the business of determining what is crime and who is the criminal. Person-person violent crime: one or several victims and one or several perpetrators: ex: murder, rape, robbery, arson, assault (not something like 9/11) Person-person property crime: ex: stolen autos, burglary, drug possession, scams (non-violent)