PSYC 1300 Study Guide - Final Guide: Stanford Prison Experiment, Phineas Gage, Freudian Slip

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2 Jun 2020

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Differences between operant and classical conditioning, operant = animal learns association between an action and its consequences, we behave in ways to get desirable outcomes, ex. After lunch, mary took dan to so-and-so property and he was drooling with delight. Informational in uence: we conform because we assume others are correct. Insecure attachment: don"t feel confident enough to explore, upset when mother leaves. If someone wants you to believe something, than they should: tell it to you as often as possible, generalization and discrimination are, opposites, a dog jumps on you every time you grab a bowl in the kitchen. **there is a correlation question that is tricky, answer is: not drinking more causes grades to decline, real answer higher grades are related to less drinking. Whole sums are greater than parts : gesalt theory, negative correlation, spontaneous recovery, clinical- study of psychological behaviors.