CS 246 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Association Rule Learning, Triangular Matrix, Binary Search Tree

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You can attempt to answer the questions as many times as you like. The score of the *last* submission gets saved into our records (that is, once you get a perfect score, don"t submit again with a bad one). Robert: home page, handouts, tutorials, homeworks, lab projects, reports, class administration, question bank, log out. Help: imagine there are 100 baskets, numbered 1,2,,100, and 100 items, similarly numbered. Item i is in basket j if and only if i divides j evenly. For example, basket 24 is the set of items {1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24}. Describe all the association rules that have 100% confidence. Which of the following rules has 100% confidence? a) {1} 2 b) {1,4,7} 14 c) {8,12} 96 d) {2,3,5} 45: suppose abc is a frequent itemset and bcde is not a frequent itemset. Given this information, we can be sure that certain other itemsets are frequent and sure that certain itemsets are not frequent.