HAN 202 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Tunica Intima, Tunica Externa, Systemic Venous System

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Differentiate the general structure of veins and arteries. Blood vessels review outline: veins and arteries have 3 layers tunica intima/ interna (the innermost layer), tunica media (the middle layer) and tunica externa/ adventitia (the outermost layer). Arteries have an internal elastic membrane in the tunica intima, whereas veins do not. Arteries are more thick-walled than veins because they have thicker smooth muscle in the tunica media. Veins, however, look larger than arteries and appear collapsed. The tunica externa of a vein has some smooth muscle cells, whereas arteries do not. Arteries also have an external elastic membrane in their tunica media layer while veins do not: explain how the structure of the 3 capillary types contribute to their function, continuous capillaries are the most common and least permeable. They do not have pores in its lining, allowing only small molecules (i. e. water, ions) to pass through.