POL 102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Free Exercise Clause, Intermediate Scrutiny, Jim Crow Laws

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Civil rights: the rights of citizens to be free and equal. After the civil war (union victory), the federal government sent troops to the south to enforce civil rights laws: many laws were passed by radical republicans to enforce civil rights o. In 1867, the republicans lost support, and they offered to pull the troops out of they can keep their presidency (compromise of 1877). Southern democrats agreed and therefore the south was allowed to violate the civil rights laws. Jim crow laws made it impossible for blacks to vote through laws, restricting the blacks to vote in primaries, or an organization like kkk would kill them. (local authorities do nothing) Court cases in 40s -50s changed everything: all white primary: everyone has to be able to vote, brown v. education: separate is not equal. Supreme court struck down school segregation: civil rights act in 1964: private individuals cannot discriminate by race.