PSY 103 Midterm: Chapter 12 Exam Notes - Midterm 3

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Emotion a combination of cognitions, physiology, feelings, and actions. Microexpressions brief, sudden emotional expressions, facial expressions are more difficult to control and regulate. A stimulus that alters emotions alters the autonomic nervous system the section that controls organs such as the heart and intestines *fight or flight* Parasympathetic nervous system chain of neurons offshooting from spine and medulla, normal relaxed state. James lange theory your interpretation of a stimulus evokes an automatic change and sometimes a muscle action, your perception changes. Situation appraisal (cognitive aspect of emotion) actions (psychological and behavioral aspect) perception of action (feeling aspect of emotion) Pure autonomic failure autonomic nervous system, steps regulating organs nothing in the nervous system, influence heart rate, breathing, blood pressure. Schachter and singer theory of emotion the intensity of the psychological state, the degree of sympathetic nervous system arousal- determines the intensity of the emotion, but a cognitive appraisal of the situation identifies the type of emotion.