CFS 388 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sexually Transmitted Infection, Chancre, Childbirth Positions

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Women under 24 are at the highest rate of infection at 53% Contact of an infected mucus membranes with another. Men will have a thick, pussy fluid excreted. Prefer the skin on the genital area. Hiv is contracted when the following infected substances come in contact with mucous membranes. Found by a positive hiv antibody test. Infections or diseases that take advantage of a compromised immune system. How to use= place condom over erect penis before sexual intercourse. How it works= blocks semen from entering the womb. How to use= placed in the women"s vagina. How it works= chemicals within, destroy the sperm, preventing it from fertilizing an egg. How to use= most effective when used with condom. It is inserted deep in the vagina, using the fingers or applicator. How it works= similar to condom, blocks semen from entering the womb. How to use= placed over labia or anus. How it works= used in sexual play, involving the fingers.