CHEM 107 Final: CHEM 107 TAMU Final Exam S18

530 views14 pages
31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

This is a 2-hour exam and contains 22 multiple-choice questions and 5 free response problems. Point values for the different questions are as indicated. There should be 14 numbered pages, including this one. Questions 1 22 should be answered on the scantron provided to you. 27 should be answered on the exam paper, with all of your work shown as clearly as possible. Answers without supporting work may not receive credit. You may use a calculator for this exam, but you may not retrieve or use any alphanumeric information or algorithms that you might have stored in your calculator"s memory. Please print your name and uin number above and sign the honor code statement below. Also, please put your name on every page of the exam, in case a page gets detached from the exam. 1 atm = 760 torr = 14. 7 lb in 2. Avogadro"s number na = 6. 022 1023 mol 1.