HLTH 342 Study Guide - Final Guide: Coprophilia, Microsoft Powerpoint, Basal Body Temperature

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The examination covers material addressed from october 24 through december 5. All questions will come from the lecture notes that are loaded onto ecampus as well as the assigned readings. Hint: be familiar with the learning outcomes for all of the lectures. However, anything is able to be on the exam. In preparation for the exam iii, be familiar with the following: The comstock law (1873): federal law that prohibited the dissemination of birth-control information through the mail, on the grounds that it was obscene. Margaret sanger established the national birth control league in 1914 (after witnessing the death of women attempting abortion) In 1918, the courts ruled that physicians must be allowed to disseminate information that might aid in the cure and prevention of disease. In 1960, the pill finally was sold in the u. s. In 1965, the u. s. supreme court struck down the remaining law against contraception: