PSYC 210 Study Guide - Final Guide: Havelock Ellis, Mons Pubis, Human Sexual Activity

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Some people feel that sexuality education should be the responsibility of parents, yet less than one third of college students report ever having a meaningful discussion with their parents about sex. Most young people turn to their friends and the media for information about sex, but much of what they learn is incorrect. The best alternative would be for children to receive factual information in school. Surveys indicate that more than 85 % of americans favor sexuality education in school. Sex is only a part of sexuality, which encompasses all of the sexual attitudes, feelings, and behaviors associated with being human. Sexual behaviors and attitudes (such as what is considered to be sexually attractive) vary from culture to culture, and can even change within a culture over time. American sexual attitudes are both permissive and repressed, and as a result many people in the united states have ambivalent feelings about sex.