CSCD 2201 Study Guide - Primum Non Nocere, Content Validity, Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act

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Scientific method: a way to ask and answer specific questions by making observations and doing experiments. Study terms: ask a question, do background research, construct a hypothesis, test your hypothesis by doing an experiment, analyze your data and draw a conclusion, communicate your results. Pseudoscience: popular distortions of scientific knowledge and procedures, which appear on the surface to be scientific, but lack critical scientific procedures. Evidence based practice: preferential use of those interventions that are supported by systematic empirical research providing statistically significant effectiveness of a given treatment for a specific problem: strongly encouraged by asha and insurance companies. Needed to prove to an insurance company what is needed. Many professions have histories where practice was based on loose bodies of knowledge. *high impact journals, ones that are highly influential in a certain field, are more reliable. Also, author must show knowledge of the field. Statement of the problem: broad question, specific question, hypothesis.