HIM 3111 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Notifiable Disease, Clinical Trial, State Function

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Public health statistics and epidemiology -osborn text also addresses these issues (pp. Epidemiology the study of factors that influence the health status of a population; the study of disease and the determinants of disease in populations. -can include the study of clinical and health care trends or patterns and the ability to recognize trends or patterns within large amounts of data. States require the reporting of notifiable" communicable diseases through state law for the purposes of tracking outbreaks and preventing the spread of disease. Incidence -the number of cases of disease having their onset during a prescribed period of time. It is often expressed as a rate (for example, the incidence of measles per 1,000 children 5-15 years of age during a specified year). Incidence is a measure of morbidity or other events that occur within a specified period of time.