HRM 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Motivation, Equity Theory, Belongingness

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Fundamental truth about motivation: it takes personal commitment, great leadership, and a positive environment to sustain passionate engagement with work. Flow a state of complete engrossment in a task that matches one"s skills and requires full use of one"s talents. If we are clear about what motivates us we can: 1- choose the right career and jobs and 2 find aspects of almost any job that engage our passion. Create a resonant environment a work environment characterized by excitement, energy, optimism, efficacy and hope. Sdt (self-determination theory) people"s need to feel competent and have a reasonable degree of competent and to care for and be related to others. Extrinsic motivation the result of forces or attractions outside of the self, such as material rewards, social status or avoidance of unpleasant consequences, (getting a good grade, money) Locus of control our perception of the degree to which we have control over what happens in our lives.