PSY 2301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Libido, Observational Learning, Classical Conditioning

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Psychoanalysis theories: theories proposing the development change happens because of the influence of internal drives and emotions on behavior. Id: in freud"s theory, the part of the personality that comprises a person"s basic sexual and aggressive impulses; it contains the libido and motivates a person to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Ego: according to freud, the thinking element of personality. Superego: freud"s term for the part of personality that is moral judge. Psychosexual stages: freud"s five stages of personality development through which children move in a fixed sequence determined by maturation; the libido is centered in a different body part in each stage. Psychosocial stages: erikson"s eight stages, or crises, of personality development in which inner instincts with outer cultural and social demands to shape personality. Behaviorism: the view that defines development in terms of behavior changes caused by environmental influences. Learning theories: theories asserting that development results from an accumulation of experiences.