PSYC 3130 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Content Validity, No Surprises, Internal Validity

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14 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Explain the ideas and assumptions underlying the scientific method. Intuition and tenacity: following one"s gut feeling. holding onto beliefs one already has. Authority: listening to those who are believed to be experts. Experience: basing beliefs on one"s own personal experiences. Each has some sort of possible bias: ex, confirmation bias, personal beliefs. Scientific psych: explore and answer questions about organisms" behavior, thoughts, and feelings. Nonscientific psych: personality quizzes, dr. phil, social settings. They have interviews with experts more likely to reference them than data. May be very specific and not generalize. Methodology is not scientific and/or data is not. Therefore, empirical data is that which can be observed. Saying something is empirical means we can actually. What are the five goals of psychological research? go out and answer the question with visible data. Making progress in science we need to accurately communicate our findings to others. Show me the data: observational data drives theories.