APR 231 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Copyright Term Extension Act, Copyright Symbol, Actual Malice

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Traditionally, libel and slander have been often confused. Defamation is used to differentiate between the two. Defamation is any false statement about a person or organization that creates public hatred, contempt, or ridicule, or inflicts injury or reputation. Private citizens have a greater chance of winning a case than public persons or organizations because they must prove an additional test--- that there was actual malice. Pr staff must pay close attention to the issue of privacy in these 4 areas: Employee communication-- keep organization orientation, not personal. A company newsletter or magazine does not have the same 1st. Signed off, filed, dated and the context of the photo. Being used for publicity without compensation or without permission. Emails sent of made under a government owned computer are subject to be requestable under the freedom of information act. Employees have the right (though limited and specific) to blow the whistle about illegal activity within their company.