[GY 110] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 15 pages long Study Guide!

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Gy110 test 1 study guide pg. 1: chapter 1: this is geography, geography means to write about the earth , two main branches: b. i. Human: place and region explain why every place is unique c. i. Place- specific point on earth distinguished by a particular characteristic c. ii. Region- area of earth defined by one or more distinct characteristics: places are interrelated/ interconnected d. i. Scale- relationship between portion of earth being studied and earth as a whole d. ii. Space-the physical gap or interval between two objects d. iii. Connections- the relationship between people and objects across barriers of space: ancient and medieval geography e. i. Eratosthenes- invented the word geography, calculated earth"s circumference and divided earth into climate zones e. i. 3. Ptolemy- principals of mapmaking- eight volume guide to. Ptolemy- too long for me! (wrote 8 volume book) e. ii. Yu gong- earliest surviving chinese geographic writing detailed country"s provinces e. ii. 2. Scientific mapmaking was reborn in medieval period e. iii. 1.