HD 422 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Liability Insurance, Organisation Climate, Job Performance

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Chapter 5: programs commitment to quality care, retaining well qualified staff. The dire(cid:272)tor(cid:859)s pri(cid:373)ar(cid:455) roles are to (cid:271)e a leader a(cid:374)d a (cid:373)a(cid:374)ager. The dire(cid:272)tor (cid:373)ust be an excellent communicator, make their center a great place to work, enhance the staff(cid:859)s professio(cid:374)al k(cid:374)o(cid:449)ledge a(cid:374)d skills, a(cid:374)d pro(cid:448)ide (cid:272)o(cid:374)stru(cid:272)ti(cid:448)e feed(cid:271)a(cid:272)k on staff performance. A director must also delegate responsibilities, personnel services, insurance and retirement plans, and essential confidential files: teacher responsibilities. Food service personnel, maintenance staff, general office staff, and the bus driver: allied professional. Examples of allied professionals include case managers, case workers as well as early interventionists, occupational, physical, and speech language therapists: interviewing (job description, questions to ask, hiring process) Job description should include job title, qualifications, description of essential functions, working conditions, additional duties, reporting relationships and limits of authority, salary range, benefits, and potential for bonuses. Questions for applicants should reflect job qualifications: turnover rate. High turnover rate: mentoring and adult learning.